
Much of the syntax is based on the wonderful Jinja2 project. Here are some of the currently supported features.

  • Value replacement can be done using the {{ }} syntax.
    • Literals supported are strings (single, double, or backtick quoted), boolean, numbers (currently parsed as i64), null, arrays, and maps
    • Identifiers that start with an alphabetic character can be referred to directly e.g. {{ some.value.path }}
    • The root node can be referred to with . allowing things like {{ . | json }} to be used to dump the entire context as JSON
    • Identifiers of non-standard type, e.g. starting with a non-alphabetic character, spaces, etc. can be referred to using the bracket syntax. e.g. {{ .['565'] }}. This also allows array access and identifier of non-standard types (such as boolean).
    • Inline arrays: {{ [1,2,3,4] }} and complex nesting also possible e.g. {{ [1,2, script("echo 'hello world!'"), (5 + 5 | base64)] }}
    • Inline maps: {{ {'key': 'value', 'otherKey': { 'nested': 'map' } } }}
  • Control flow can be done using the {% %} syntax
    • If/else if: {% if 10/2 == 5 %}The world is sane!{% else if false %}What universe are we in?{% end if %}
    • Scoping can be done manually: {% scope %}I'm in a scope!{% end scope %}
    • For loops: {% for thing in lots.of.stuff %} {{ thing['name'] }} {% end for %}. For loops always enter a new scope.
  • Comments use the {# #} syntax and will be remitted from the output.
  • Whitespace control can be accomplished by adding a - to any of the above blocks e.g. {{- 'no whitespace! -}}.
    • Whitespace control can be added to one or both sides of the tags. All spaces, new lines, or other whitespace on the side with the - on it will be removed as if the block is immediately next to the other element.

As documentation is still in progress, see the kitchen sink for examples of template usage.